"Profashion is revolutionizing hair-styling,
empowering individuals to become their own stylist" Shay Sharaby
I am Shay Sharaby, entrepreneur, hair freak and co-founder of Profashion. Ten years ago, I migrated from Israel to the United States as an international student.
This is Lila and Zara, French bulldogs, co-founders of Profashion; they are also my trusted companions and workmates. They were born in the U.S. Their understanding of this culture and business acumen is far superior to that of mine.
All of Profashion’s executive decisions must be approved and be granted consent by them.
I love it!
After university graduation, I began a practical career-venture into the study of hair and hair styling. The genesis to this art and personal passion was stimulated by a friend who introduced a hairstyling tool to me.
I absolutely fell in love with the technology and science of hair … its colour, texture, length, maintenance, strand health, the feel and endless possibilities regarding styles, especially for women. I soon discovered that many people actually struggled styling their own hair.
"I soon discovered that many people
actually struggled styling their own hair."
I soon discovered that many people
actually struggled styling their own hair.
I am driven
Acting on intuitive insights pertaining to hair-styling, germinated the realization that I needed much more factual education and information. Therefore, pursuing my quest, within my means, I explored knowledge and information regarding hair and hairstyling.
Subsequently, recognizing a need and public zeal for hair styling, I started my own company. Attending trade shows, I sold hair styling and hair care products by conducting demonstration exercises.
My clients learned the exacting art of self-styling by properly manipulating precision instruments at specific time intervals and hand-held devices enriching their hair styles.
Their receptiveness to these exercises and
enthusiasm was appreciatively remarkable.
As a result, to this day I have literally taught thousands of women, all ages, on how to become their own stylist. As windfall beneficiaries, the time and money they have saved is incalculable. Most importantly however is the gracious gratitude they afford me.
The most popular hair styling implement among the users should
come as no surprise … it is my brand ‘Profashion’.
Today, due to overwhelming commitments, it is not possible for me to attend as many trade and beauty shows as I once did. As a business leader it was necessary for me to adjust and adapt. Today, under my leadership, associates and other trained team members represent my company providing most contemporary products and information to our clients in the USA.
pursuing a dream
Call it an idealistic fantasy, pipe-dream or stretch objective, but, I aim to teach everyone online throughout the country to become their own professional hair stylist. My personal step-by-step instructions, empathetic guidance, factual knowledge and specialized expertise will be the pathway.
These teaching tutorials, working in unison with elite hair styling tools, ecommerce website and friendly customer care will provide the core to our success.
Profashion ,a hair styling
revolution in the making is not
on the horizon ... it has arrived.