Mar 18, 2025

An Essential Oil Guide For Your Hair

Essential oils have a lot of hidden potential that you may not even fathom.

You may be surprised to discover that they can be an effective remedy for some of your most persisting hair problems.

If you are newly introduced to these powerful oils, then you must be looking for some answers to why they are so special? Where do they come from? And exactly how beneficial are they?

Here, we have tried to put together all of the information about essential oils in order to help you understand their potential and help guide you on how to use them in your hair routine. Let's explore these wondrous oils together!

What are essential oils?

You may have heard that essential oils are the "purest" of oils, and the reason is that they are drawn out from leaves, flower petals, roots, and stems of plants. And that is also why they are known as the "essence" of the plant they are taken out from.

They hold not only the scent, but also the taste and curative properties of that particular plant. For example, we extract rose oil from the petals of rose flowers.

Essential oils are extremely concentrated and highly evaporative at room temperatures. Therefore, we should take absolute care while handling them, and it is best to dilute them with carrier oils like olive oil, or coconut oil, before use.

Every type of essential oil has its own sets of advantages depending upon the source.

How old are they?

You'd be surprised to know that the use of essential oils goes way back to the age of Egyptian pyramids. Yes! They are not the discovery of the modern era; we have been using them for various purposes for thousands of years.

Ancient people discovered the potential long ago, and they used them for creating scents, healing wounds, and for other aroma related therapies.

Why do we need to dilute them before use?

The most common misconception regarding these natural extracts is that they are non-reactive. The fact that they are extracted from natural parts of plants may have given rise to this rumor. 

But the truth is that they are far more reactive than regular medicinal herbs.

You should not put them directly on your skin or anywhere else. Otherwise, you will end up with frequent irritation or rash. In worst-case scenarios, they have caused redness and lingering allergic reactions.

It is best to dilute them with a carrier oil to stabilize their extremely potent abilities. Mixing a couple of drops with a regular oil will be enough to cancel out their reactive properties, and they will be safe to use.

Additionally, essential oils alone when exposed to open air vaporize very quickly. We should handle them with care and mix them up well with one or more standard oils to halt the evaporation.

How to choose the best carrier oil?

The biggest mistake you can make is to apply a large number of essential oils without diluting them.

High potency and reactivity of essential oils make them unsuitable to be used alone. That's where carrier oils come in. A small amount, typically a few drops of essential oils are usually mixed with a considerable quantity of carrier oil for the dilution purpose.

The dilution not only enhances the ability of these wonders oil to get absorbed in your skin but also makes them safe to use topically and internally. 

The regular oil holds this volatile substance together and prevents evaporation from occurring. Therefore, without mixing with a carrier oil, it'll be no surprise if the oil evaporates and disappears before use.

Here is the list of some carrier oils that enhance the powers of essential oils:

1) Almond Oil

You may have heard of the magical restorative abilities of almond oil. Wait until you mix it with essential oil. You will be surprised to witness its enhanced abilities that will allow you to fix multiple skin and hair-related complications in no time.

Pairs well with these essential oils: Lavender oil, Tea tree oil

Treatment for hair: When used with lavender oil and tea tree oil, it can help prevent hair loss. Your hair gives rise to a greasy substance called sebum that can trigger dandruff and hair fall. Massage your head regularly with this mixture to remedy it.

Mixing almond oil with essential oils, allows it to become more penetrative. It gets deep in your skin and stimulates hair follicles and strengthens them. Strong roots of hair make it hard for hairs to fall out easily.

Shop Almond Oil Products!

2) Coconut oil

The phenomenal health benefits of coconut oil are unparalleled in the healthcare industry. You may be wondering what the secret is behind it? Well, the magic lies in the fact that it is a storehouse of nutrients, and secondly, due to its relatively low molecular weight, it can penetrate places where no other oil can.

Pairs well with these essential oils: peppermint and tea tree oil

Treatment for hair: When used with peppermint and tea tree oil, it stimulates areas of hair loss and helps the regrowth of hair. 

Moreover, it is an exceptional moisturizer. You will not require any other artificial moisturizer if you make it a part of your routine.  

Shop Coconut Oil Products!

3) Olive Oil

The unrivaled health benefits of olive oil are everywhere. Whether it is a dangerous cardiovascular disease, cancer, or life-altering diabetes, it is effective against all of them.

Making it a part of your routine will maintain your physical and mental health for eternity by protecting you from several chronic diseases.

According to researchers, the true healing potential of olive oil is yet to be discovered. Every day new research regarding the use of olive oil proves something more beneficial than the previous one.

Pairs well with these essential oils: Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, Peppermint oil, and Lemongrass oil.

Treatment for hair: The extraordinary anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil make it the best remedy for a dandruff-affected hair and scalp. 

When used with an effective essential oil like tea tree oil, it not only heals the scaly scalp but also increases the chance of hair growth. 

Furthermore, it also has the ability to heal redness and diminish itchiness that is the aftermath of dandruff.


4) Argan oil

The talk about the benefits of carrier oils is incomplete if we miss out on Argan oil. This goldmine of vitamins, fatty acids, and protein is a solution for a good deal of persisting health problems.  

You may have noticed countless cosmetics, beauty, and health care products with argan oil as their primary ingredient. The reason is its antioxidant properties and the fact that it is a storehouse of multiple, different nutrients.

Pairs best with these essential oils: Chamomile oil, Lemongrass oil, and Lavender oil.

Treatment for hair: The vitamins in argan oil boost the capability of hair to resist against damaging external conditions. Therefore, it is an ideal solution for weak and brittle hair. 

People with very curly hair often look for remedies to treat their recurring dryness. Stop searching and start applying argan oil as it is the best natural moisturizer present in the market. 

The antioxidant properties remove scaly skin and treat dandruff once and for all. By doing so, it also reduces the chance of hair fall.

Shop Argan Oil Products!

5) Avocado oil

It may not be the best choice in fruits for some people because of its higher fat content, but it is an exceptional carrier oil with numerous health benefits for all. With its humongous stored amount of fats and other nutrients, it is one of the most effective carrier oil choices for skin and hair.

Pairs best with these essential oils: Lavender oil and Peppermint oil

Treatment for hair: Are you looking for a great natural moisturizer that keeps your hair shiny and hydrated? Then this is it. The fair amount of fats in avocado oil covers your hair and keeps them from drying for a long time. Rather than just staying on the surface, the oil infiltrates deep within the skin and stimulates the roots of your hair — consequently, the blood flow increases, and the hair follicles get unclogged. The hair follicles start working again, which means it is also an effective remedy against hair loss. Use it with essential oils for enhanced effects.

Shop Avocado Oil Products!

6) Arnica oil

Arnica oil may not sound as familiar to you as the other oils we have covered but it is one of the most commonly used oils in the world of haircare. It possesses anti-inflammatory compounds that help treat various hair issues. What's more, is that it contains a large amount of fatty acids and thymol.

Pairs best with this essential oil: Lavender oil- but you may use any other essential oil you wish as well. 

Treatment for hair: Arnica oil proves to be anti-bacterial and is an effective treatment against dandruff. 

It also speeds up the healing process for damaged hair and repairs the brittleness. 

In addition to that, when combined with essential oils, you will notice that its restorative properties have doubled, and it adds exceptional strength to your hair. 

7) Neem oil

It is not a surprise that neem oil is among the list of beneficial carrier oils. You surely have seen its abundance in many different healthcare products. 

Just like argan oil, it has fine reservoirs of fatty acids and vitamins making it one of the top choices as the carrier oil for essential oils.

Pairs best with these essential oils: eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil, lavender oil, and jojoba oil.

Treatment for hair: It gets easily absorbed in your hair, giving it a natural shine and healthy appearance. It enters through the roots and provides necessary nourishment to strengthen the base of your hair and scalp.

Dryness of the hair is a real nuisance for a lot of people, especially people with curly strands. A good deal of fatty acids work as a moisturizer and lock the existing moisture in.


8) Rosehip oil 

Like all other carrier oils, Rosehip oil contains a good quantity of fatty acids and vitamins. That is why it is ideal in treating multiple skin and hair related diseases. 

Pairs best with these essential oils: Rose oil and Lavender oil.

Treatment for hair: A regular moisturizer or oil can leave a dirty and greasy appearance to your hair and skin. You might be wondering if there is an oil that moisturizes hair but doesn’t leave a greasy look? Rosehip oil may be the answer to that problem. People call rosehip oil a “dry oil” because it absorbs in skin relatively faster and doesn’t leave a greasy and wet trace.  

9) Flaxseed oil 

We owe our hair and skin the healthcare benefits of Flaxseed oil. It is a good source of essential fatty acids and vitamins B, C, and E. Consuming it with your diet will give you a properly working body. They say that regular consumption of flaxseed oil keeps one’s heart-healthy. 

Use it with essential oil: Goes well with all of the essential oils. 

Treatment for hair: It reaches deep into your hair follicles and provides necessary nourishment to them. By stimulating the roots of your hair, it reduces baldness and helps regrow new hair. 


10) Magnesium oil 

It is actually not an oil but a combination of water and magnesium chloride. However, it does act as a carrier oil so it is treated the same way as other carrier oils.

Pairs best with these essential oils: Chamomile oil and lavender oil. 

Treatment for hair: A plethora of things like mineral deposits, dandruff-flakes, and dirt can block your hair follicles. There is a large variety of magnesium therapies for hair in the market to treat this condition and unclog the blocked pores. 

According to some doctors, magnesium therapies are thought to reduce hair fall and accelerate its regrowth. 


11) Sea Buckthorn oil 

It is a hub of vitamin D, A, C, and E. Therefore, healing multiple skin and hair related problems comes easily. Additionally, it contains essential fatty and amino acids, which makes your body strong enough to resist the invasion of certain viruses and bacteria. 

Use with essential oil: Works well with almost all essential oils. 

Treatment for hair: Curing sun-damaged hair is a real pain. The more severe the sun damage is, the harder it will be to heal. You can use sea buckthorn oil to restore your natural health of hair. With its extra-curative properties, it deals with sun-damaged hair rather effectively. 

Shop Sea Buckthorn Oil Products

12) Grapefruit seed oil

There is no better extract than that of grapefruit seed oil to fight against bacteria, fungus, and viruses. Because of its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal capacity, it is one of the most common compounds in many cosmetic and hygiene products like creams, toothpaste, deodorants, and mouth fresheners. 

Furthermore, people have been using it in their swimming pools, ponds, and even laundries to get rid of the harmful side effects of chemicals. 

Treatment for hair:  Oils with antimicrobial properties, such as grapefruit seed oil can treat dandruff as the spread of fungus and bacteria often causes it. Which makes grapefruit seed oil an ideal candidate to treat dandruff. 

Overgrown scalp fungus and bacteria can also start a chain reaction of hair fall. By using this extract, you may even be able to put a stop to hair loss. 


13) Evening Primrose oil 

This extract of plant seed is traditionally quite famous in treating conditions like digestive problems, hemorrhoids, and sore throats. It is due to the fact that it is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It has countless health benefits. Let’s look into some of them. 

Pairs best with these essential oils: Tea tree oil, Lemongrass oil, Cypress oil, and Lavender oil. 

Treatment for hair: It has been proven that primrose oil promotes hair growth. Make a solution by combining it with an essential oil like lavender, lemongrass, or cypress oil. Massage into the scalp regularly, and you will witness fresh hairs growing from previously bald patches of your scalp.