Mar 18, 2025

Wavy & Curly Hair? A Complete Knowledge-Base for Awesome Styling

Some people find having curls unpleasant and distressing. While some other dreams of having perfect and voluminous curls. Lack of understanding regarding your natural hair type may lead you to frustration as unawareness can double the effort in maintaining the style you have always dreamed of.

Work smart and understand your hair first. If you have wavy or curly hair and you are looking for some answers on how to understand your hair, then you have come to the right place. We have put together everything you need to know about wavy and curly hair.

Do you know your curl pattern?

According to the most popular hair classification system, hair has 12 distinct types. Four major ones and three subcategories each. Finding your natural curl pattern is the initial step to start looking after your own hair in a professional way. Determine your curl pattern yourself or seek your stylist’s help because without knowing it, your hair care routine will  always remain less than perfect.

Straight hair:

  • 1a: Hair is wave-less, soft, and smooth but lacks volume.
  • 1b: Hair has some volume because it is thicker but still is wave-less and smooth..
  • 1c: Hair is the densest of all type 1 hair and easiest to maintain because you don’t need to worry about trying to pump up the volume all the time.

Wavy hair:

  • 2a: It is in-between straight and curly hair. This hair is more delicate in comparison to other types.
  • 2b: Your hair strands form a prominent “S” pattern. Frizziness is there but is easily managed.
  • 2c: Well-defined wavy patterns are visible, and frizz becomes a real problem with this type of hair.

Curly hair:

  • 3a: The curls are soft and loose. Even with frizz, they are quite manageable.
  • 3b: Curls are in the form of bouncy ringlets. Moisturizers become compulsory with this hair.
  • 3c: Curls are in the form of tightly packed corkscrews. Hair is not soft, so you need products to help soften and smooth.

Very curly (or Kinky hair):

  • 4a: The hair is shaped like tight coils. The coils form a tight “S” shape.
  • 4b: “Z” shape dangles are also prominent. Dryness can be a pain while dealing with class 4 hair. So, you’ll need moisturizers or oil based products to manage it.  
  • 4c: This is the curliest hair. The hair is tightly packed and prone to shrinkage as well as damage .

The thickness or thinness of your hair is also another property of hair. It is necessary to determine the thickness of your hair to tackle your hair related problems effectively and to choose the most suitable hair-care products.

Reasons why your hair type changes

A popular misconception is that the hair curl pattern never changes. The truth is certain factors can alter your curl type. Let’s have a look at these certain factors.

1) Heat exposure

Exposure to heat styling tools or extreme sun radiation can not only break your hair strands from the roots but also shift your curl pattern. Heat may affect hair follicles; as a result, they may change their shape. So, be cautious of how much heat you put on your hair.

2) Imbalance of hormones

The fluctuations in hormone levels can directly affect your hair. In women during pregnancy, a hormone known as estrogen becomes abundant. You may have noticed that the hair of a pregnant woman often appears healthier and in profusion. And after childbirth the hormone level drops, and the hair starts falling out at an excessive rate. This imbalance of hormones can also alter your curl pattern.

3) Weather effect

Changing weather conditions can severely affect your hair. For example, abnormal humidity levels can make your hair frizzier. Extreme heat on sunny days can damage your hair and take away all of your hair’s moisture. These weather conditions have been proven to change the curl type a little as well.

4) Diet

A proper diet defines the health of your scalp and hair. If you are missing some crucial nutrients in your diet then it may alter the way your hair looks.

5) Chemicals and medications

Have you been using a lot of hair products? If you have been, then chemicals may have changed the natural curl pattern of your hair. Another reason is taking certain medications. There are some specific types of medications that can alter your hair follicles.

Tips and tricks for women to have fabulous curls

Curls are naturally drier and frizzier; they need constant care and nourishment to look their best. It sounds like it may be a challenge but these tips will help you handle your curls with ease.

1) Start detangling from the bottom up

You don’t want to exhaust yourself combing if you have type 3 or 4 hair. Detangling your hair from the top towards the bottom can double the effort you exert. If you don’t want to break your comb (or your arm!), then start detangling from the bottom first to have a smoother and quicker brushing experience.

2) Apply a moisturizing treatment

The oils from the scalp cannot travel towards the end of your strand because of the curls. This may leave your hair dangerously dry. You have to moisturize your hair artificially if your scalp fails to do it for you naturally. Go for moisturizing treatments and essential oils to help maintain moisture levels in your curls.

3) Don’t be afraid to trim

People think that curly hair doesn’t grow at the same rate as other types of hair. This is a false assumption. The growth rate of all kinds of hair is the same. So, don’t be afraid to trim, it will help you to get rid of split ends making your hair easier to work with and less likely to tangle.

4) Scalp treatments can work wonders

Use a refreshing scalp treatment every week to unclog hair follicles, remove trapped debris, and stimulate blood flow to your scalp. This will allow your scalp to produce more of the natural lubrication that is moisturizing for your hair. You can get help from your stylist or use oils to nourish your scalp’s skin.

5) Use a diffuser for type 3 hair

Using a blow-dryer can without any attachment can seriously mess up your strands, leaving them more tangled and dehydrated. To avoid that, be sure to use a diffuser that can evenly dry your hair. You can use this attachment with hair mousses to deal with growing frizz problems.

6) Heavy curls need strength as well

People with curly hair are usually in a delusion that the coils are naturally strong because they look strong. It is a common misconception. You springy looking curls need as much care as other types of hair. To provide the strength your hair needs, you can try using a protein treatment for the scalp every one or two weeks.